BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Hudson Valley Biker Network - ECPv6.4.0.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Hudson Valley Biker Network X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Hudson Valley Biker Network REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20200308T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20201101T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20200725T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20200725T170000 DTSTAMP:20240511T094507 CREATED:20200720T190106Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200720T190106Z SUMMARY:13th Annual Troop Ride DESCRIPTION:Come join us\, and support the USO in Fort Drum for the 13th annual Troop Ride. Troop Ride is an approximate 100 mile parade style motorcycle ride\, that benefits the USO in Fort Drum. They fight for us\, we ride for them. The ride will begin at the Horseheads American Legion\, and travel around the Finger Lakes. Registration will begin at 8am\, and the ride will start at 10am. $15/person. Receive a FREE Troop Ride shirt when you pre – registration at URL: LOCATION:Horseheads American Legion\, 71 Old Ithaca Rd.\, Horseheads\, NY\, 14845\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20200725T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20200725T170000 DTSTAMP:20240511T094507 CREATED:20200720T190106Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200720T190106Z SUMMARY:13th Annual Troop Ride DESCRIPTION:Come join us\, and support the USO in Fort Drum for the 13th annual Troop Ride. Troop Ride is an approximate 100 mile parade style motorcycle ride\, that benefits the USO in Fort Drum. They fight for us\, we ride for them. The ride will begin at the Horseheads American Legion\, and travel around the Finger Lakes. Registration will begin at 8am\, and the ride will start at 10am. $15/person. Receive a FREE Troop Ride shirt when you pre – registration at URL: LOCATION:Horseheads American Legion\, 71 Old Ithaca Rd.\, Horseheads\, NY\, 14845\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20200725T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20200725T170000 DTSTAMP:20240511T094507 CREATED:20200711T032032Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200711T032032Z SUMMARY:Veterans & First Responders Salute Ride DESCRIPTION:Each One Each One Run Benefits the Homeless Veterans in Ulster/Orange/Rockland County. \nGroup Poker Ride \nO’Tooles HD Wurtsboro NY \nRegistration 0900-1000 \nKSU 10:30am \nRegistration Fees \n$20 per rider \n$10 passengers \nFREE if you fill a backpack to donate! \nBest and worst hand win cash prize \nLIVE BANDS and raffles after the ride. Several venders will be on site. \nWE HAVE YOUR 6 will be collecting items for our EACH ONE REACH ONE BIKE RUN. \nIf you want donate an item or items\, stop by Otooles Harley Davidson in Wurtsboro. \nThe items we are collecting will go to the homeless. \nThe homeless veteran population in the Hudson Valley/ Rockland County is almost 7000. \nHere is a list of the items we are collecting.. \nMens or Ladies \nAny size \nSocks \nUnderwear \nDeodorant \nTooth brush \nToothpaste \nMouth wash \nHand sanitizer \nRestaurant gift cards \nSweat shirts \nSweat pants. \nGloves and hats. \nWe are not accepting used clothing. \nAll items should be new. \nThese items will be placed in backpacks donated by O’Tooles Harley Davidson and will be distributed to the homeless in the fall. \nWe will also be placing outreach information in each bag URL: LOCATION:O’Tooles Harley-Davidson\, 4 Sullivan Street\, Wurtsboro\, NY\, 12790\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20200725T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20200725T170000 DTSTAMP:20240511T094507 CREATED:20200711T032032Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200711T032032Z SUMMARY:Veterans & First Responders Salute Ride DESCRIPTION:Each One Each One Run Benefits the Homeless Veterans in Ulster/Orange/Rockland County. \nGroup Poker Ride \nO’Tooles HD Wurtsboro NY \nRegistration 0900-1000 \nKSU 10:30am \nRegistration Fees \n$20 per rider \n$10 passengers \nFREE if you fill a backpack to donate! \nBest and worst hand win cash prize \nLIVE BANDS and raffles after the ride. Several venders will be on site. \nWE HAVE YOUR 6 will be collecting items for our EACH ONE REACH ONE BIKE RUN. \nIf you want donate an item or items\, stop by Otooles Harley Davidson in Wurtsboro. \nThe items we are collecting will go to the homeless. \nThe homeless veteran population in the Hudson Valley/ Rockland County is almost 7000. \nHere is a list of the items we are collecting.. \nMens or Ladies \nAny size \nSocks \nUnderwear \nDeodorant \nTooth brush \nToothpaste \nMouth wash \nHand sanitizer \nRestaurant gift cards \nSweat shirts \nSweat pants. \nGloves and hats. \nWe are not accepting used clothing. \nAll items should be new. \nThese items will be placed in backpacks donated by O’Tooles Harley Davidson and will be distributed to the homeless in the fall. \nWe will also be placing outreach information in each bag URL: LOCATION:O’Tooles Harley-Davidson\, 4 Sullivan Street\, Wurtsboro\, NY\, 12790\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR