{"id":10832,"global_id":"www.hudsonvalleybikernetwork.com?id=10832","global_id_lineage":["www.hudsonvalleybikernetwork.com?id=10832"],"author":"1","status":"publish","date":"2020-08-03 20:03:33","date_utc":"2020-08-04 00:03:33","modified":"2020-08-03 20:03:33","modified_utc":"2020-08-04 00:03:33","url":"https:\/\/www.hudsonvalleybikernetwork.com\/event\/hudson-valley-ride-for-kids-salute-to-our-stars-2\/","rest_url":"https:\/\/www.hudsonvalleybikernetwork.com\/wp-json\/tribe\/events\/v1\/events\/10832","title":"Hudson Valley Ride for Kids Salute to our STARs","description":"

The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation\u2019s fundraising efforts, like many other businesses and non-profit organizations, has been substantially impacted due to the pandemic.\u00a0 More importantly, we are deeply concerned about the safety and well-being of our families, donors, volunteers, participants, and staff.<\/p>\n

Keeping our STARS in mind and to let them know they are not alone and show our support for them, we are holding a ride-by parade to solute and honor them and their families and to display our commitment to fight their battle together. \u00a0 We would like to have a quick 20-30 minute ride-by solute on August 9th 2020 at 10am at Motorcyclepedia museum on 250 Lake St., Newburgh, NY 12550.<\/div>\n